Update #93 - May 26, 2022


Hello, RPG Makers!

We have updated our Sample Game Project with the latest versions of the various plugins included!

If you would like to view the changelog for all our scripts , you can view it here.

We plan to make updates a routine on Fridays. This way, you don't have to stay completely on top of the wiki scouring for updates. There is no set time for when the updates occur, they just will, and there will be an announcement for them.

Not every week will have an update, because if one isn't needed, one won't be made. Updates will be generally used for bug fix(es) and/or feature implementations.

Sample Project

✼ No Changes

✼Battle Engine Core Version 1.XX

✼ Documentation Update!

  • Help file updated for new features.

✼ Feature Update!

  • HP Gauge sprite now properly synchs with battler location.

✼ New Features!

  • New Action Sequence Effects added by Irina and sponsored by MirageV:
    • INJECT action sequence series
      • See the Action Sequence Impact changelog for details.

Thank you for supporting VisuStella! 🌻


VisuStella MZ Sample Game Project (Update #93) 95 MB
May 26, 2022

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