May 2024 Follow Up Progress!

Hello Adventurers~🌻

We're very sorry for the delay. We thought we would be finished this week but we realized we needed to do a few more things! Please be assured that the software itself is final! Here are some things we are doing right now to slate it for release ASAP!

  • Finalize the Presets you can select.
  • Finish the Documentation

Thank you for your patience and support for this final stretch!!

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I paid for this with 20 dollars and I still didn't get my money's worth. The fact that you are charging 50 dollars for this now is insane.


I also bought it for $20 USD 3 years ago. That was kind of a more reasonable price. $50 USD is kind of insane for the same amount of content though... 😅


There won't be any 2.0 then ? Just spent 50bills on this and the software/assets are very limited... I feel ripped off unfortunately, once again it doesn't deliver for the pricetag. Stay away until further update... (Hope you'll get around to improve this product though... )

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We're a few days away from July now. Will there be a July Progress update to let us know how the final stretch is going?

Sorry if this question sounds impatient. I'm excited for the next update and I'm fine waiting however long it needs to be released. I'm just curious how it's been going since the May Follow Up Progress update? :)


Yep... So no update if I understand correctly.